Tuesday, January 28, 2014

visit to Buddhist Temple in Raynham MA

On Saturday (1/25/14) morning, we spent over an hour learning about the major beliefs of Buddhism from the head monk at a temple about 40 minutes south of Boston.

The temple is called Wat Nawamintararachutis Temple.  It is a Buddhist meditation center.

There were two things that the monk spoke about that struck me as truthful.
1. Money is not too valuable:  money can buy a bed, but not sleep:  money can buy clothes, but not good health;  money can buy a watch, but not time

2. What you give, you receive:  If you smile, people smile back.  If you are grumpy to someone, they are grumpy back.

It was a calm, quiet place where I was able to learn about the basic teachings of Buddhism.

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